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Sur un format d’1 heure (30minutes de présentation thématique, 30 minutes de questions & réponses), les participants pourront découvrir et interagir avec GraphMyTech pour identifier de nouvelles méthodes et accélérer leurs développements.

The TIPS project: Technology & Intellectual Property Solutions
Funded by the Defense Innovation Agency

The initial project is François-Xavier Meunier Phd thesis in economics entitled "Dual technological innovation: an analysis in terms of influence and coherence" defended in September 2017 and financed by the French Ministry of Defence. TIPS Develops for industrialists and public authorities a solution allowing to integrate the support functions (legal, HR, purchasing, etc.) into strategic and organizational decision-making in terms of innovation.

The GeT-IT project: Graphs and Text mining  for Technological Innovation
Funded by the BPI French Tech Emergence Scholarship

The objective is to combine our technology analysis with a semantic model (built from the International Patent Classification) in order to include a set of heterogeneous data in a single analysis (laboratory notebooks, technical documentation, response to call for projects, project descriptions, etc.) and thus enrich the patent and scientific publication analysis .

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